Our Story
Well, watch this space!
We are a new 12 piece steel band formed at the beginning of 2022 based in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Post pandemic, we were a group of players looking for additional opportunities to play together, fine tune our skills, develop our repertoire and have fun! Players have between 2 and 30 years individual experience, are committed and rehearse weekly. This nearly always involves tea breaks, chocolate, birthday buns and even the occasional take away! We work predominantly in the education and health sector although this is a coincidence, not a requirement! We make the effort, no matter how tough the day, and leave practice feeling better than when we arrived.
Be part of our developing story, follow us on social media, come see us at events and then book us for yours! If you have a pan gathering dust and want to get back into playing with a band please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!